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Uber in Costa Rica - Now Available in Playas del Coco

Uber in Costa Rica was born in August of 2015. Is it a good thing, a bad thing, or somewhere in between? It all depends on who you ask. Passengers love it and say it is much better and cheaper than taxis. One user reports, “Uber is the absolute cheapest way to get around (besides buses). We use Uber at least once every few weeks to go out to dinner if we want to have some drinks. It is cheap, reliable, and we have never had a bad experience.” Another Uber client provided this example. He took an Uber downtown in San Jose recently and it cost $5.

World Oceans Day, Costa Rica

Costa Rica observed World Oceans Day with beach cleanups and similar events. This is the day people around the globe celebrate and honor the world’s 5 great oceans. No matter which continent you live on, you have an ocean for a neighbor. Costa Rica is blessed to have 800 miles of shoreline divided between the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. So it behooves us to care for these closest neighbors since our lives literally depend on them.


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