Legal and Financial

1031 Exchange and U.S. Taxes. Do they Apply in Costa Rica?

Link to Costa Rica propertiesWhat is a 1031 exchange? I will try to make this simple. It is a provision made by the United States Internal Revenue Service that allows an American citizen or permanent resident investor to sell a property that is used for business or held as an investment and then reinvest the proceeds in a new property without immediately paying capital gain taxes.

Is it difficult to start a business in Costa Rica?

Image that says start your businessHow do you start a business in Costa Rica? Is it possible for a non-citizen to do so? These questions are commonly asked by those who would like to move to Costa Rica but need some additional income in order to make it work. Or, maybe you have the entrepreneurial spirit, and your idea of an enjoyable retirement is to watch your idea grow into a profitable enterprise.


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